Resident Evil Village is the sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, and is set in a snowy explorable Eastern European village. Structures and buildings in the central village can be climbed and used to fight enemies. Unlike Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil Village features an online multiplayer mode.


Gameplay is more action-focused, with protagonist Ethan Winters now equipped with more combat skills due to military training. The game features a new six-player online multiplayer game, Resident Evil RE:Verse, delayed until summer 2021. The Mercenaries Mode also makes a returning appearance in Village. The game plays as a first-person shooter, in contrast to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, which was a third-person shooter.

The player has 3 different stances: neutral, crouch, and prone. When the player is in the crouched stance, they have a higher accuracy, but less mobility. When the player is prone, they have a lower accuracy, but more mobility.

The player can carry a limited number of items at a time. Some items can be used in combat. The player can collect treasures and animal meat. Treasures can be sold to the Duke, and animal meat can be cooked into dishes. The player can search the village for maps and supplies. The player can also buy maps from the Duke.


The game is set in a snowy explorable Eastern European village, described as "pulled straight from the Victorian era".

Information about replayability

The game has a map to navigate the village on the pause menu, and a diary with sketches recapping the player's progress in the story so far.


The game is more action-focused, and features a new six-player online multiplayer game, Resident Evil RE:Verse, delayed until summer 2021. The Mercenaries Mode also makes a returning appearance in Village.


  • Is the sequel to Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, and is set in a snowy explorable Eastern European village
  • The game features a six-player online multiplayer game, Resident Evil RE:Verse, delayed until summer 2021
  • The Mercenaries Mode also makes a returning appearance in Village
  • The game features a new map to navigate the village on the pause menu, and a diary with sketches recapping the player's progress in the story so far
  • Gameplay is more action-focused, with protagonist Ethan Winters now equipped with more combat skills due to military training
  • The game features a new six-player online multiplayer game, Resident Evil RE:Verse, delayed until summer 2021


  • Is more action-focused, with protagonist Ethan Winters now equipped with more combat skills due to military training
  • The game features a new map to navigate the village on the pause menu, and a diary with sketches recapping the player's progress in the story so far
  • The game features a new six-player online multiplayer game, Resident Evil RE:Verse, delayed until summer 2021
  • The game features a new map to navigate the village on the pause menu, and a diary with sketches recapping the player's progress in the story so far

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