WhatsApp Is Planning to Allow Hiding “Last Seen” Status from Unwelcome Contacts

  • Kyle Robinson
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WhatsApp Is Planning to Allow Hiding “Last Seen” Status from Unwelcome Contacts

WhatsApp is currently testing out using its beta version the option to hide your ‘Last Seen’ status from certain contacts.
People often get frustrated when they see that you are online but you are avoiding reading their message.

This might happen for a number of reasons, like you might be too tired to start a conversation or if the other person is bugging you day and night. They might even accuse you of not reading their messages right away.

If someone is constantly sending you messages and you don’t want them to see that you are online it would be great if you could hide your status from that specific person. Unfortunately, this wasn’t possible in the past. You could hide your online status from everyone of from nobody at all.

In the future, however, WhatsApp is planning on adding an option that will allow you to do just that – block certain contacts from seeing your online status.

This option is currently only available to beta testers and can be accessed by tapping on Account, then finding the Privacy tab, and tapping on the Last Seen. Once there, you will be able to choose the contacts that will not be able to see your ‘Last Seen’ status.

Profile photos and the about section will get the same treatment. With the new update, you will be able to hide this information from certain users. Unfortunately, WhatsApp hasn’t made any official statements yet about when these features will become available and even if we will get to see them.

What do you think about the new privacy features that WhatsApp is implementing? Have you ever wanted to hide your ‘Last Seen’ status from someone? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

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