Update Your Settings to Ensure that Google Chrome Doesn’t Track You

  • Kyle Robinson
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Update Your Settings to Ensure that Google Chrome Doesn’t Track You

The topic of privacy is a complicated one and people have different opinions on the matter. Some like it when ads are tailored just for them while others feel uncomfortable. These days, users become a lot more aware of how their information is used, which means that companies, such as Google have to be a lot more transparent.

If you want to achieve a better level of security and you use Google Chrome, you should check the settings of this browser. There you will see the ‘Location History’ option that should be disabled by default, but this is something you should check, as it may become enabled at a certain point when you use the browser.

Once ‘Location History’ is turned off, you need to check your Google activity. Some tracking features are a normal part of how the browser works and it can make your life a lot easier. At the same time, if you are someone who would rather avoid any tracking, there is a way to stop it from happening. All you should do is:

  • Open myactivity.google.com in your browser.

  • By visiting this page, you will see several options, such as YouTube history, location history, and web & app activity.

  • Each of the mentioned sections has a tick box underneath.

  • You can have ticks removed from all three of these settings or you can decide which particular ones you want to disable.

By clicking on each category, you can see more information on what Google does with the collected data. It is also possible to view and delete activity from different services and apps when you open the mentioned sections. Also, you can enable some sub-settings and disable others, so you are in control of how much tracking you allow.

Do you think it’s important to adjust such settings? Please, share your thoughts on privacy when using a browser in the comments below!

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