Twitter’s Latest Overhaul to Enhance 3rd-Party Apps

  • Matthew Garcia
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Twitter’s Latest Overhaul to Enhance 3rd-Party Apps

Twitter informed its users of its latest update aimed at bolstering the expertise within 3rd-party Twitter apps. Thanks to this enhancement, developers are granted extensive access to the service's chronological timeline. Having introduced the interface used by developers to retrieve data from the service also known as API v2, the recent Twitter overhaul is a solid move toward supporting devs. For more details on the news, keep reading this post. 

According to the platform’s representatives, the new API v2 overhaul allows devs to restore the latest mentions and replies created by users and their followers. Simply put, a dev can request to view the data the service reveals as you launch the 1st-party app, in order for their app to display it to you instead. 

For such 3rd-party clients as Tweetbot, the update is very much appreciated. According to one of Tweetobt’s devs, the previous method of accessing a user’s timeline is among their most frequent API calls. The former API edition was rolled out 10 years ago, so the devs had definitely anticipated the improvement here.

As a result of this latest update, Tweetbot is sure to extend its user responsiveness. The devs will get to refresh their timeline due to the possibility to make more requests in an array of methods. That’s up to over 150 requests per user compared to only slightly over 10 requests granted by the old version. So, the recent update does make a dev’s life a lot easier in this sense.

With all that said, with its latest update, Twitter is making one thing crystal clear: the service is now introducing new features for developers, after having spent years launching solely 1st-party-oriented tools. Have anything to add on the topic? You’re welcome to share your two cents in the comments below. We value your opinion greatly.

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