Square Enix Imposes VPN Limit on Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis

  • Matthew Garcia
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Square Enix Imposes VPN Limit on Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis

Before Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis's official launch, it already has two million registered players worldwide, ensuring the iOS and Android game's success for now. However, refinements may still need to be made in the future regarding player engagement, as the game's servers in Japan are currently overloaded due to VPN access - an issue Square Enix plans to tackle. 

The game's official Japan account on platform X announced that VPN access has been blocked due to a violation of the terms of service. This means players not using a network directly connected in the country won't be able to reach the game's servers. 

The need for VPN access arises as the game is yet to be released in all regions. The game's localisation depends on the region players are playing from, which means many users will now need to wait for its release in more territories and for the addition of original language options.

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