Now Companies Can Update Google Workspace Employee Apps

  • Matthew Garcia
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Now Companies Can Update Google Workspace Employee Apps

The updated Google Workspace now lets companies gain more control over their employee’s devices. Workspace administrators are now allowed to control the way Android devices are updated. Let’s figure out how the new feature works.

More Control

After the update, company Google Workspace admins can determine whether employees’ devices need to be updated immediately or on a specific date. Admins can determine this on the group level for all the users connected to the corporate Google Workspace account. Before the update, the options were limited to on-device settings that allowed to enable updates while the device is idle, charging, or connected to a WiFi network. Apparently, such options don’t always match the needs of companies and their customers, so more flexible controls are required. At least that’s how Google explains the update.

To enable immediate app updates, admins can simply set high priority update status. For scheduled updates, they can set auto-update timing. If high priority is selected, the app will be updated right after a new app’s version is published and reviewed by Play Store moderators. The update may occur even if the device is connected to the web via the cellular network. If the device is offline, the updating process will start immediately when a device goes online next time.

Ready to Work

The update was released on April 21, so it’s currently available on nearly all Google Workspace accounts worldwide. The update rollout will end on May 5. What do you think about this update as a company employee? As an employer? Is it a necessary improvement or a potential privacy issue for employees? Let’s discuss this question in the comments under the article. You can also invite colleagues to the discussion by sharing links to this article with them on social media.

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