New Subscription Features for Creators by Instagram

  • Matthew Garcia
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New Subscription Features for Creators by Instagram

Instagram is currently developing a strategy of becoming the top online platform for creators to make a living. It all started in January when the team introduced the initial version of its subscription functionality for US-based creators. The news was followed by tests in India conducted in the same month. 

Now it seems that more subscription features are coming to Instagram. Recently, the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, posted the data related to the fresh, appealing subscription offers for creators. He announced that new subscriber chats, subscriber posts, subscriber reels, and a subscriber home would appear in the app. Under the subscriber home tab, creators will be able to filter out posts available only to them. According to Mosseri, the aforementioned perks will enable creators to gain a steady and sustainable income.

Subscriber posts were one of the most requested tools asked by creators, so the team did its best to come up with a suitable solution. These new subscriber chat features will empower creators to engage with up to 30 subscribers at a time. They will unite in special group chats between the creator and their subscribers. Thus creators will be able to post Reels, photos, and videos aimed specifically at their subscribers. This is complemented by the subscriber home feature that allows subscribers to view the exclusive content that the creator to whom they have subscribed has published: all under a single tab.

If you are excited enough to try this appealing offer by yourself, the pricing isn’t behind the veil anymore, coming at Rs. 89, Rs. 440, and Rs. 890 per month. Do you think it will help creators build a stable audience? Please, drop a comment or two below this post.

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