Meta and Profile Frames You Can Use

  • Matthew Garcia
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Meta and Profile Frames You Can Use

People have been using profile picture frames for quite a long time since 2015 on Facebook. You could customize your own frame to support a specific movement, signify your favorite league or team, and so much more. With expanding Frames gallery, users could let their creativity flow in ways nobody could imagine, but of course, some problems have appeared recently.

In late 2020, Facebook has announced that all anti-vaccine content will be banned on the platform, so the “righteous” supporters of the movement decided to use profile frames to show their disregard of the rule.

Of course, such activity was noted by the company, and all of the offending frames were removed from the Frames Gallery, but it didn’t seem enough. Later, Facebook decided to wipe off all of the frames, except the ones from the approved partners and thus restraining the creativity of its users.

Since then, you could’ve noticed that there are a lot less interesting profile frames that can catch your eye. Moreover, Meta has announced that from March 21, only frames created by government services or organizations that work with true data on COVID-19 will be available in the Gallery. These restrictions followed after the mentioned streak of the anti-vaccine movement.

Now, you will be able to access frames from such global organizations as UNICEF, Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and governmental figures. This means that we will not see any more fun and entertaining pictures from the users.

Even though this doesn’t seem like so much of a tragedy, still people will lose something they adored in the app. The function gave them the ability to share their ideas with the world. Meta has stated that present profile frames will be deleted from the Frame Studio on March 21.

Have you previously used the Frame Gallery? Do you think Meta will expand the rules with time? Share your ideas in the comments below.

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