At the end of 2021, Telegram decided to launch a new update. The app now has message reactions, in-app translation, and a spoiler feature. In recent times, Telegram strives to excel its competitors and adds functions they don’t have. New features are available for all Android devices. However, only iPhones and iPads with iOS 15 can get the update. It seems that users have already accustomed to changes and use them freely.
Messages reactions are available in both personal and group chats. They are turned on automatically when you write private messages, but if you want to have them in a group, the admin should allow them in the settings. If you click on the message once, you will see all reactions that are available and choose one. There are also default reaction which appears when you tap twice. It is a thumbs-up, but you can change it to the one you prefer. You should go to ‘Chat Settings’ if you have Android and ‘Stickers and Emojis’ for iOS users. By the way, admins in the group can choose what reactions will be available.
Another feature is an in-app translation. You can turn it on going to the language settings. App won’t translate messages written in the default language you choose. You may also select other languages the function should ignore. If you want to get a translation, you should tap on the message and choose ‘Translate’. You will see the same text but in your default language. There is also a spoiler feature. Sometimes when you discuss movies or books, you want to share a spoiler. Now you can hide a particular text, and the person can see it after they tap on the message. You should select the text and go to ‘Formatting’ and then ‘Spoiler’.
Are you chatting on Telegram? Have you tried all the new features? Please, tell us about your experience in the comment section.
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