Google Password Manager Gets Handy Features

  • Matthew Garcia
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Google Password Manager Gets Handy Features

At the end of June, Google released an official statement about the roll-out of a global update to Password Manager. It is reported that it adds many convenient features to the service. The most interesting of them is the opportunity to type data to enter accounts manually. It applies to both the Chrome (PC) version and the Android mobile app. Such a step makes the management of your details more streamlined. If your accounts on different devices are synchronized, the entered information will be updated automatically.

Google is also committed to making your experience across platforms more unified. Now on both Android and PC, many passwords for the same apps and websites will be grouped together. Also, for quick access to this information, you can add the Password Manager shortcut to the home page of your smartphone. Besides, the company has strengthened your data protection, and the passwords generated using this service have become more secure. By the way, it also applies to iOS. If you have an Apple device, you can set Chrome as your autofill application and allow Password Manager to create unique combinations.

A security check is run each time you use the passwords stored in the service. If necessary, you can check all stored information in bulk. Chrome flags unreliable and weak combinations so you can improve your protection. It also now draws your attention if different accounts have the same password, which is a vulnerability in your security system. You can automatically replace each marked password with a stronger one. This functionality applies to all Chrome versions. Apart from these changes, you can also now use the Touch-to-Login option to log in to accounts from on overlay.

How do you like these changes? Do you use Password Manager by Google? Or do you prefer to store your data in another application?

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