Google Messages Testes Face Emojis

  • Matthew Garcia
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Google Messages Testes Face Emojis

Google Messages app was caught while testing reactions in iMessage. It looks like symbols are inconsistent in some cases. Face emojis can become the replacement for emoji translations that companies offer their users.

Google is trying the new reactions for this iMessage service in the Messages app. Android-based messaging service offers to translate reactions through the iMessage feature Tapbacks. The reactions come from iPhone users who put them into the MMS or SMS. This service offers translations to emojis, like “Love” instead of the heart icon sent by iOS owners. However, Google decided to change the existing order. Owners of Messages will be able to see emoji instead of text, which appeared in the lower right corner of the text. It looks similar to the iMessage design.

These reactions are already available to the selected users who signed up for the Google Messages beta testing. Some of those users reveal the problems that appear with translations of emojis. According to the reports, Google is using face emojis instead of symbols and they have different meanings from the original message sent by the iPhone owner. The “heart” you send via iMessage can be revealed as a “smiling face with heart-eyes” icon. The question mark in your chat can be turned into the “thinking face” emoji. Users say that it creates confusion between two parties. Yet, the original thought behind this transition is to provide a playful atmosphere, which totally suits the current situation around the misinterpretation of messages.

For now, Google Messages conversion of emojis for iMessage activates by default. Users may turn off the feature in the menu of the app. You may also tap on any emoji sent in the chat to check whether it was “translated” or not to avoid confusion.

Do you use Google Messages app? Have you tried conversion of emojis with iPhone owners? Share your thoughts about it in the comments below.

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