Facebook Opens Up Metaverse for the US

  • Matthew Garcia
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Facebook Opens Up Metaverse for the US

Facebook is being faithful to its promise to create a metaverse, the virtual world where friends can meet each other. Now the company reveals the app with the VR world for US citizens.  On December 9, Facebook opened a new opportunity called Horizon Worlds for Canadian and US citizens of at least 18 years old. It looks like a world inhabited by avatars you can join.

Some lucky owners of Oculus VR are familiar with Horizon Worlds’ beta version since last year. They received an official invitation from the company to join virtual reality. However, since last Thursday you don’t have to receive an invitation to be able to enter the new world. Horizon Worlds were left out of global attention the moment the app appeared until it was renamed in Meta. This October Facebook revealed its major plan for the new VR community which quickly became one of the most discussed events on the market. Facebook developers changed the name into sci-fi terms hoping to make their vision of the new app clear.

The app allows owners of Oculus headsets to create their own animated avatars. After the avatar is created you can explore the new world, interact with friends, and play games there. Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg personally announced the information, revealing his own avatar in the Horizon Worlds.

Oculus was bought by Facebook back in 2014 for $2 billion. Since that time, social media owners have been trying to attract more attention to VR. Yet, until that time, Oculus stayed in the shadow of other social network features. Facebook has announced the decision to spend $10 billion to build a strong VR world. Zuckerberg said that their main goal is to see billion new users join metaverse.

Do you have an Oculus headset? Have you already checked this app? Share your thoughts about metaverse in the comments below.


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