Exploring Faith and Isolation: Neil Druckmann's Vision for Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet

  • Matthew Garcia
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Exploring Faith and Isolation: Neil Druckmann's Vision for Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet

Neil Druckmann is currently focused on the upcoming launch of Season 2 of The Last of Us on HBO, but he is simultaneously developing a new venture in the gaming world entitled Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet. Set to mark the beginning of a new series from Naughty Dog, this game delves into thought-provoking themes surrounding spirituality and belief systems.

In a discussion with fellow creative Alex Garland, recognized for his contributions to the horror category, Druckmann shared insights into the components he aims to explore in this ambitious project. He noted the mixed reception to The Last of Us 2, stating that while many appreciate it, others do not.

Druckmann humorously reflected on this dynamic, suggesting that his next game will take a different approach. He expressed a desire to focus on faith and religion, saying it may be a topic that garners less polarized responses. The narrative of Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet unfolds 2000 years in the coming days, in a realm that has experienced deserted for approximately 600 years. The culture and religious practices of this planet remain enigmatic, and players will need to unravel these mysteries to find a way to escape.

He elaborated on the development of a new faith, detailing that the game's narrative will explore its evolution over time. From the foundation laid by the original prophet, the religion will undergo transformations, sometimes becoming distorted or altered as years pass.

Additionally, Druckmann expressed an intention to address feelings of solitude and alienation within the game. Players will find themselves entirely alone in their journey through Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet, relying solely on their own wits to navigate this desolate environment and escape their predicament.

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