CoD Introduces a New Cloaking Feature to Protect Players Against Cheaters

  • Matthew Garcia
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CoD Introduces a New Cloaking Feature to Protect Players Against Cheaters

Seeking to reward fair play and give an extra layer of protection to legitimate gamers, Call of Duty has equipped its celebrated Ricochet anti-cheat system with a new feature that makes genuine players who abide by the rules invisible and inaccessible for cheaters. Dubbed Cloaking, the new tool will make it virtually impossible for cheaters to compete while playing, no matter what illegal software they may be using.

Cloaking is a robust instrument for protecting the interests of honest gamers. With its help, those caught using cheats will no longer have the possibility to see rival players in the game environment and will be made unable to identify characters, bullets, or even sounds from legal gamers. At that, cheaters will remain perfectly visible to genuine players who can attack them and bring fair in-game punishment upon their ignorant heads. 

Although the official introduction took place only recently, the Cloaking feature has been in use since mid-February. It will now work in tandem with another Ricochet’s anti-cheat tool, Damage Shield, which restricts the player's ability to cause critical damage to others if any messing with the game is detected. At the same time, this mitigation technique does not ban such players entirely because of the need to continue collecting valuable data on what exactly they are doing in the game and which illegal software helps them.

Over the past few months, the Call of Duty team has managed to ban tens of thousands of cheaters. The developer also encourages players to report tricksters manually to improve the cheat detection capabilities of the kernel-level anti-cheat technology.

Has your game ever been compromised by cheaters? What punishment do you think such players deserve? Speak up in the comments and share the post with others!

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