Apple VR Headset Will Allegedly Have Content from Hollywood Directors

  • Kyle Robinson
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Apple VR Headset Will Allegedly Have Content from Hollywood Directors

It seems that Apple will have plenty of exciting content for the future users of their upcoming virtual reality and augmented reality headsets. According to the report made by The New York Times, the developers of the headset have collaborated with Hollywood directors.
When it comes to the exact directors involved in the project, it is mostly a mystery at the moment. One of the directors that will work on the content for the mixed reality headset is Jon Favreau and his task will be to create a mixed reality content that will focus on Prehistoric Planet, which is the TV series that he had produced.
At the moment, the exact date when the mixed reality headset will come out is unclear. It seems that we will have to wait for a while, as there is already information that it won’t launch until 2023. The reason for this delay is the problems with the performance and battery life of the headset.
Based on what we already know, the upcoming device is supposed to bring realistic-looking virtual overlays and immersive VR experiences to the table. There has already been a number of rumors and leaks that hint at the powerful processor that the headset is supposed to have.
It is still difficult to tell whether the headset will become available in 2022 or if we will have to wait longer. There are some signs that Apple could be already preparing the device for launch with its board of directors testing the headset for themselves.
Virtual reality headsets become more popular every year, so it’s not surprising that large corporations jump on the bandwagon. It is definitely interesting to see whether Apple manage to bring something different to the table.
Are you waiting for the launch of this headset? What are your expectations? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below!


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