Anonymous Messages Are Banned on Snap

  • Matthew Garcia
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Anonymous Messages Are Banned on Snap

Snap removes anonymous messaging from every third-party app that integrates with the service. Users can’t send anything without their identities being revealed. The popular social network also restricts any friends' search for users younger than 18 years.

Users will not be able to send anonymous letters to others, using Snap and its third parties. Previously, this feature was used for harassment and bullying. Last year Snap was in the spotlight because of its integrated third-party apps. The death of a teenager who was bullied anonymously was a tragedy that Snap officials did not expect. It was linked to two of its integrated apps, LMK and Yolo. After the lawsuit was issued against Snap, the company quickly removed these apps.

Company officials said that not everyone finds anonymous messages as entertainment. Some people prefer to use it to express their aggression they can’t allow without keeping anonymity. To avoid harmful behavior the company decided to close all the anonymous messaging services.

Snap made a statement about another service as well. The company decided to limit the ability to search for new friends and add them until you are 18 and older. This decision was made to protect the younger audience. They offer to concentrate on the communication between people familiar with each other.

Snapchat received the ability to integrate with other apps back in 2018. That year the company released Snap Kit, the tool for integration. It provided a wide range of new features for users, including anonymous messaging. Every app developer could apply for Snapchat and if chosen to become part of Snap users' experience. Yet, everyone had to keep up with the basic rules from Snap, including the total ban on any type of harassment or bullying. Currently, there are 1 500 developers.

Do you agree with Snap’s decision? Have you ever sent anonymous messages to anyone? Express your thoughts in the comments below.

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